CALL US FOR A QUOTE TODAY (780) 974-8506

Free rental cash flow
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Rich Dad Poor Dad


Garden Suites | Secondary Suites

Design | Build | Finance | Rent

Turning homes from liabilities to cash flow producing assets.

Free Consult

We come out to view the site and determine the initial feasibility along with a preliminary estimate. We will also provide you with the expected cash flows.

secondary suites | model home on money


We work with you to determine your specific financing options to maximize the return on investment.


secondary suites | tenants looking over plans


We provide a digital design and confirm the project budget.

secondary suites | building under construction


Our experienced team works to keep the project on budget and on time.

secondary suites | building under construction


We provide advertising strategies, processes for screening tenants, template rental agreements, periodic inspection forms, and tax strategies.

secondary suites | tenants looking over plans


You choose to enjoy the profits or reinvest in additional units on your path to financial freedom.

Tired of paying inflated fees to advisors who invest in paper assets and don’t create financial freedom? Did you know that the top 1% own 25% of all the assets and real estate is by far the largest asset class held by the wealthy.


Net of fees a conventional stock portfolio is likely to return 7% over time.

Realestate unlocks the power of leverage and returns of 14% or more is possible.


Tax on conventional investments can exceed 50%.

The tax code favors real estate investments and often provides the ability to generate significant cash flow with little or no tax.


Real estate investments provide a perfect hedge.

We are currently short 1.8 million housing units in Canada and 40-year high inflation rates are eroding the value of your savings.

Danny Tamburrino

Danny Tamburrino


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Paul Bouchard

Paul Bouchard


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Our Why

Most people who want to develop an accessory dwelling unit don’t know where to start and many end up in a negative cash flow situation.  


Most people who want to develop an accessory dwelling unit don’t know where to start and many end up in a negative cash flow situation. Optimum Accessory Dwelling Units has developed a proven system that takes the guesswork out of developing secondary rental suites. So you will have peace of mind knowing your legal rental suite is built right and will pay you for years to come.


Most people who want to develop an accessory dwelling unit don’t know where to start and many end up in a negative cash flow situation. Optimum Accessory Dwelling Units has developed a proven system that takes the guesswork out of developing secondary rental suites. So you will have peace of mind knowing your legal rental suite is built right and will pay you for years to come.


Most people who want to develop an accessory dwelling unit don’t know where to start and many end up in a negative cash flow situation. Optimum Accessory Dwelling Units has developed a proven system that takes the guesswork out of developing secondary rental suites. So you will have peace of mind knowing your legal rental suite is built right and will pay you for years to come.



Most Builders Don’t Know The Rules

Not knowing the rules on how to build an accessory dwelling unit causes expensive delays


Doing It Yourself

Cost overages will reduce your potential cash flow


Insufficient Financing

Running out of money before the suite is finished


Bad Tenants

Having no tenants is bad, having bad tenants is a nightmare

secondary suites | baths

Have questions? Call us! (780) 974-8506


This sounds too good to be true.
You’re right! It sounds really easy and that’s by design. We want this to be as stress free as possible for you. In reality, building projects have a lot of moving parts and regulations that must be met to satisfy local municipal guidelines and much more. That’s why we have done all the hard work to understand the requirements and only use qualified contractors with a proven track record on all our projects.

What if I’m not happy with the final product?
We guarantee you will be 100% happy with your new secondary accessory dwelling. Your designated professional will consult with you from the initial consultation, 3D mock up and several times during the build so you’re never left in the dark. Our goal is to create the perfect space for maximum renter satisfaction and is on budget.

What happens if the project goes over the discussed budget?
Our step-by-step process is designed to give you the final cost up front and we go to great lengths to ensure we don’t have any surprises. However, unexpected and unforeseen things DO occasionally happen in spite of this. That’s why we include a 10%-15% buffer in the budget for just such events.

How do you ensure that I will be cash flow positive with this secondary suite?
We look carefully at the project cost, cost of borrowing, amortization and expected rent and provide you with the projections before we even pull out a hammer. The goal is to provide you with a secondary suite that costs you nothing extra on your monthly budget.

I got another estimate that’s lower than yours. Can you beat it?
We are very diligent in making sure that our pricing is fair and accurate so there are no pricing surprises. There is nothing worse than having a contractor start a job at one price, then ask for more money half way through the build. That is unfair to you and it’s a dishonest business practice. Unfortunately, this happens more than you think.

Do you have references?
Absolutely! Look at our online reviews and video testimonials.